Wednesday 2 March 2016

No social media please...

With social media being such a major part of people lives now days, its easy to forget that there are other things that don't involve the internet or phones! As a student sometimes its difficult to balance school work, my job, seeing friends and family. so you can imagine how difficult it is to actually sit down and do things for myself. 

When I was younger I loved to do art and drawing, so when I chose my GSCE's I decided to do art which I do regret now because after having to fill folders and do a lot of art work I now cant get back into it. But there are many other things that I love to do and on those days were I have got a few hours too kill I love to just turn my phone off and do some of the following things! 

Everyone loves music whether its live or just putting some on in your room. And yes I am one of those people who actually still buys CD's. Recently me and my boyfriend went to see The Kooks live which was a rare occasion as normally I just have loud music turned up in my room! Going to gigs or festivals are great experiences as you really interact with the people around you! Although I will admit that I had my phone out a few times during the gig just to capture the moment! I find that just turning on some music and doing my make-up or reading a magazine is so relaxing and generally puts me in a better mood!

Talking of make-up I find it very relaxing sitting at my dressing table trying out new make-up products! Recently I've been enjoying playing around with different colour eye shadows especially from the 32 colour eye-shadow palettes from make-up revolution. 

Something which has become very popular is adult colouring books, I own a pattern one and also a Vogue Colouring book. As well as being therapeutic its so satisfying once you've finished a page! Also for someone who loves stationary its a good excuse to get my colouring pens out and let lose my inner child. The Vogue colouring book makes me feel a lot more adult especially with the beautiful illustrations of models.

A passion of mine is reading not only do I love reading books but I appreciate beautiful books that  are aesthetically pleasing as well as a good read. I'm the type of person who once I start reading a book I have to finish straight away and cant do anything until the book is completed. Reading a book is the perfect way to immerse yourself into something else other than your stressful or tiring life.
My favourite book of all time is The Great Gatsby but some other books like Alexa Chung's book and how to be Parisian are perfect for when you don't want to read anything to lengthy and you enjoy looking at pictures/photography. I love sitting on my bed and flicking through 'The little book of Chanel' which is full of illustrations and interesting information that yes you can find out online but having it in your hand in paper form is much more satisfying in my opinion. 
I think its important to spend time just to yourself doing things that you enjoy. We can get so caught up in life rushing around that we forget the simple things in life that are relaxing and do not really involve our phones. I hope you enjoyed reading about some of the things that I enjoy doing in my spare time. 

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